Student Government



HU Student council is an organization conducted by students and supervised by school. The purpose of the student council is to take the feedback from HU students regarding the issues they are facing today, also give students an opportunity to develop leadership by organizing and carrying out school activities and service projects. In addition to planning events that contribute to school spirit and community welfare, the student council is the voice of the all HU students. They help share student ideas, interests and concerns with the school wide community.
The function of the student council is based upon parliamentary procedures. Ideas are presented, voted upon and confirmed by the student council president. Any student that is interested in leadership, organizational behavior, event planning or becoming more involved in the school are welcome to become involved.

Horizon University encourages students to form student-led clubs around common interests. Faculty and Staff members are available for advice, and to help student access Horizon University resources. Typical interest groups include student ministries, praise worship teams, Bible studies, community outreach programs, health support services, prayer groups, Christian fellowship clubs, sports, and reading clubs.